Rob Loud on Teaching Yoga at Festivals

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This is part 19 of our traveling yoga teacher interview series. We interview traveling yoga teachers in an effort to learn how they do what they do!  If you know someone who would be a good candidate – email us at

Rob Loud from Yes that’s actually his last name and yes he does have blue hair. 🙂 Rob’s personal journey to yoga is quite the story. At times, unbelievable. His commitment to the practice and most importantly the breath, is what helped him recover from many years of addiction and suffering. He believes that the suffering and various strokes of bad luck he endured ultimately turned out to be his greatest gifts. Read on to see how and why he continues to inspire all that he meets on and off the mat.

We met Rob at Sonic Bloom – a special Music and Yoga Festival in Colorado. We loved his yoga class and had a chance to catch a few shows with him over the weekend. We’ll be checking out his classed in Denver/Boulder next time we’re in town!

Reminder: Leave questions or comments for Rob below!

What was your life like before teaching yoga? Was there any particular event that led you down this path?

My life before teaching yoga could be described in a nutshell as “not very yogic” if there is such a thing.   With a very addictive and reactive personality, I hit the gates running from a young age, abusing drugs and alcohol, had run-ins with the law, and made lots of poor and unconscious decisions, coupled with bouts of various forms of mental illness.  A couple of events that specifically got me in to teaching yoga were seemingly unfortunate and traumatic at the time; I describe them in the Yoga Revealed Podcast on iTunes. It is free so if you would like to, check it out here. Although very hard at the time these events happened, they turned out to be some of the greatest gifts that ever happened to me!


How would your students describe your classes?

Probably as a loving butt-kicker!  Fun, yet having depth and challenging… but accessible to all levels.

Coming off a great weekend at Sonic Bloom (we loved your class), I have to ask… What tips do you have for yoga teachers looking to start teaching at festivals?

It was so great to camp by you and to have you in my class!  My advice to teachers wanting to teach at festivals is first and foremost to build a following (and if possible in more than one town or studio).  Promoters like to know you can bring some people to the table, and that you have a solid social media presence.  Get to know who these promoters are and send in applications in early. Try to teach at smaller local events as well.  Most important is to be YOU, and put yourself out there.

Most important is to be YOU, and put yourself out there.

Download our FREE PDF: “25 Ways Yoga Teachers Can Earn More Money.”


What is your “gift/niche/brand” and how did you discover it?

That is a tough one as I don’t think there is just one thing, but I think my authenticity stands out, I shoot from the hip and do my best to bring yogic wisdom and apply it to the 21st century. People also really like my playlists so my music often stands out and I teach some classes with deejays and in more fun settings (such as festivals). I also teach Sweat Heat and Beatz which is a Friday night happy-hour style of class at Yoga Pod in Downtown Denver.

Interested in discovering your Niche? download a free report: “100 profitable yoga niche ideas”


What does your ideal yoga career look like?

I think I always will want to teach some public classes as it truly feeds my soul.  I would like to travel a little more and teach annual retreats as well.  Someday maybe to have my own teacher training that I can incorporate once a year as well, but ultimately not too different from what I am doing now.  I LOVE what I do and I love that it requires I am a perpetual student.

I LOVE what I do and I love that it requires I am a perpetual student.


What can we expect from you in the future? Coming trainings? Retreats? Online courses?

I am definitely going to be facilitating a retreat in the near future, details TBD.  I lead a 200-hour teacher training each year at Yoga Pod Cherry Creek (Denver) and that is coming up August 31.  I am teaching at the Arise Festival again this year first weekend in August, as well as StapletOM Festival in Denver in September.  I do have quite a few online classes as well at Yoga Download that I periodically add to.

Free download: 100 Niche Ideas for Yoga Teachers

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What is a purchase ($100 or less) you’ve made in the last 6 months that’s greatly impacted your life?

My camo Zoic Ether Collection bike shorts with essential liner and with the butt pad. 😉  I live in Boulder, CO and teach in Denver as well and bought a new bike and have been biking to work in Denver (~40mi one way)….Since I bought those shorts my ass has really been thanking me.

Let’s say the zombie apocalypse starts tomorrow morning… where do you go? What is your strategy to survive?

Hahah!  Well my Mom’s ex-husband has a small arsenal of firearms and lives a bit east in the country.  If I decided I did want to live in the apocalypse I would probably go out to his house and perch myself on a rocking chair and get all Walking Dead on those zombies. 😉

Connect with Rob


Inspired by the Infinite and motivated by his own inward journey, Rob’s desire is to be a catalyst for change in others on the path towards self discovery. He describes his style of teaching as embodied power vinyasa, pulling wisdom from multiple lineages. Rob teaches yoga full-time exclusively at the Yoga Pod in his hometown of Boulder, CO as well as in Denver. His passion for yoga is apparent through his dedicated personal practice as a student first, so that he can serve more effectively as a teacher. Rob empowers, inspires and shares his love of yoga through every connection, his classes are creative, challenging, intelligent, FUN and bring depth beyond physical asana.

Connect with him on his Website and Instagram.

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About Anne

Anne is a passionate yogi who loves to be active outdoors. When she's not traveling to destinations near the equator to practice yoga and eat tropical fruit, you can find her in the kitchen cooking up nourishing meals with her partner, Brandon. A music junkie at heart, she is currently spinning: Tor, Hiatus, Friend. and Giyo.

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