Transform Your Classes with Powerful Yoga Flow Sequence Ideas!

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Gemma Clarke

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Jagpreet Kaur

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group of ladies are doing a yoga sequence in a yoga class

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Quick Tip: Discover how to rejuvenate your yoga teaching by mastering the art of crafting diverse and engaging sequences that cater to various styles and student needs, ensuring a fresh and inspiring experience in every class.

As a yoga teacher, it can be difficult to keep inventing new sequences each week to keep your classes inspiring, and it can also be a challenge to keep your students motivated. Especially if you are short on time, you may find yourself reusing the same sequences over and over. But if you are ready for something new and inspiring, then it is time to go back to the basics.

This article will explore the basic formula of yoga sequences so that you can bring more energy and enthusiasm to your next yoga class. If you are someone who teaches yoga, this is for you! You will learn how to create a great sequence that goes with the flow!

yoga flow sequences

How to develop a great yoga practice and teaching style

Once you have your 200-hour YTT, you are ready to take your knowledge to the mat. You will have learned a few key yoga poses in detail and how to link them together. It is now time to create unique yoga sequence ideas that will inspire your students to grow and flow.

Each yoga style will have its key basics that need to be followed, but yoga practitioners also have the opportunity to mold and shape the energy and flow of the class to suit their unique personalities as teachers.

To find your unique voice and your style of teaching a yoga practice to students, you need to decide what you want to bring to your classes.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is unique about my teaching style?
  • What can I offer my students?
  • What key yoga poses do I want to include in my classes?
  • What kinds of themes do I want to teach?
  • How can I make my sequence flow?
  • Will I choose gentle yoga or a power flow?

Now, when you find your style, your energy, and your unique selling point that offers your students something a little different than the studio down the road, then you can start to build layer upon layer the elements of your class.

But first, it is important to understand the many yoga styles that are out there and how your sequence will change depending on the elements of the practice.

yoga class with a group of class doing a forward bend pose and a teacher helping correct one of the student's posture

Different types of yoga

Here are a few of the most well-known schools of yoga:

  • Power Yoga – this is for challenging students to step into their energy, try difficult yoga poses, and move through a sequence that raises the heart rate and pushes them to their limits. Power yoga consists of a powerful flow-style class.
  • Hatha Yoga – this is more of a slow and steady practice. Each yoga pose is usually held for a certain number of breaths to bring balance to the mind and body while practicing Hatha yoga. ‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon, alluding to the balance and forces of moving energy through the body, just as it does in the sky.
  • Bikram Yoga – this is a set of yoga sequences done in a heated room that encourages sweating and challenging the body beyond its limits. With deep stretching, which can be easily achieved because of the heated muscles, a Bikram Yoga class follows a set sequence that is rarely changed.
  • Ashtanga Yoga – this school of yoga includes a progressive series of yoga sequences that stick to a certain sequence. Ashtanga Yoga allows you to progress as you complete the previous series, growing your practice over time.
  • Vinyasa Yoga – this is the creative side of yoga. Vinyasa yoga is free from most sequencing rules and therefore can include many and varied poses depending on the theme, energy, and purpose of the class.
  • Yin Yoga – slow moving and with long guided breathing, yin yoga is a gentle but deeply opening yoga style. The yoga poses are held for three to five minutes each, allowing deep practice and an opportunity to relax tight muscles. Certain yin sequences are particularly good for people with tight hips.
  • Restorative Yoga – with a therapeutic focus, restorative classes are a form of gentle yoga designed to bring the body into harmony. This class has the most benefits for those who are restoring their physical body or mind. Often, yoga props such as bolsters, blocks, and blankets are used to support the body in these yoga classes.

Depending on what style of yoga you choose to teach, the sequence will vary greatly. The sequencing suggestions that follow can be incorporated into any style, but will most likely suit vinyasa or power yoga teachers best!

outdoor yoga class with a teacher and three students doing various yoga flow sequences

Key yoga poses to include in a yoga sequence

Yes, there is some method to the madness to create a perfect sequence. In yoga, creating a flow sequence includes a few key ingredients that you will see below.

Based on a 60-minute class, the warm-up should be around 15 minutes, sun salutations for 10 minutes, standing poses for 20 minutes, and then laying poses or relaxation for the final 15 minutes. Of course, this can be adjusted depending on the specific yoga sequence ideas you are wishing to teach.

Start with a warm-up

Begin classes with a few warm-up exercises to prepare the body for a wide range of movement. The focus of the warm-up can be on connecting the breath with gentle and opening movements to awaken the muscles. This is important at the beginning of any class as it helps to prevent injuries and is beneficial for deepening the yoga poses that come later in the sequence.

Some good warm-up poses include:

  • Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow pose) for warming up the spine.
  • Neck stretches and rolling the neck from side to side, to increase movement in the head, neck, and shoulders area of the body.
  • Seated poses that open the hips, such as Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) or Sukhasana (Easy Pose).
  • Lunges to get deep into the lower body, hips, and hip flexors, such as Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose).
  • Balasana (Child’s Pose) for opening the hips, lengthening the spine, and bringing a sense of calm to the nervous system.

Here is a great yoga sequence to try as a warm-up:

Surya Namaskar – Sun Salutation

After a generous warm-up, adding a few sun salutations can be a wonderful way of stretching the spine and balancing both the left and right sides of the body energetically. To do this, combine the breathing pattern with the movement of certain poses in the sequence and ensure there is proper alignment in the body.

Sun salutations are a key part of a yoga class, for they not only invite good spinal posture but also stretch all parts of the body. They work in a flow sequence very well.

Standing postures

Sunrise in the background showing a woman doing a standing yoga pose

Standing postures come in the middle of a yoga sequence to work on balancing the body. A few key standing postures that are included in yoga flow classes are:

  • Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)
  • Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)
  • Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3)
  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

These key poses can be mingled and merged to find several variation postures. Such as humble warrior, reverse warrior, or more!

Here is a warrior yoga sequence to inspire your next yoga classes:

When incorporated into daily practice, these poses build strength and resilience in the muscles of the body. They help to open the hips, stretch from fingertips to toes, and can also be part of a core yoga sequence to help activate and strengthen the core muscles.

five group of women in a yoga class greeting the yoga way

Upper Body and Lower Body

When it comes to the upper and lower body, some yoga sequences will include both upper and lower in one session, or some will focus on certain aspects and postures for specific reasons.

Some great upper body postures include arm balances! These can be fun and playful to add to a sequence for building strength and preparing for more difficult arm balance postures down the track.

woman doing an advanced yoga pose for upper body strength

When it comes to the lower body, think hips and hamstrings. These are often the tightest parts of the body and are known for causing low back pain and other related issues. To combat this, try to create a hip opening sequence that can help to release tension in these pain-prone areas.

Some great lower body postures are seated forward folds and pigeon pose.

woman doing a pigeon pose

Entire Body Relaxation

This is the calm part of the practice that people look forward to at the end of a yoga class. The pose that every yogi knows – Savasana – or corpse pose comes out for an end-of-sequence rest. This posture is called corpse pose, because it involves laying in stillness, focusing on the breath, and simply enjoying the integration of the entire practice. After balancing, stretching, and hip-opening yoga, the body can finally rest and restore itself.

Some yoga teachers like to guide meditation here, during savasana, and other yoga teachers like to leave their students in silence. Choose what feels good for you and find your unique touch to add to this special pose of the yoga practice.

woman laying on her yoga mat in an outdoor scenary doing savasana

Where should I add meditation?

woman sitting in a meditative state

A short guided meditation can be added to a yoga class at the beginning or the end. Depending on how you like to create your yoga sequence will determine where you think it fits best. Sometimes a short 3-minute meditation at both ends of the class can be a great way to set an intention and then solidify that intention before you walk off the yoga mat.

Simple meditation exercises can include breathing techniques, feeling the body resting on the mat, or simply observing the thoughts that are running through the mind. You don’t have to be a world-class meditator to enjoy a few minutes of silence in your sequence.

man sitting in meditation state showcasing breathing techniques

Consider Therapeutic Options

When creating yoga sequences, it can be beneficial to theme the class for a certain therapeutic approach.

Here are some themes for example:

Yoga for building strength is a great class to add in chaturanga, arm balances, and a side body balance. This can also help to strengthen the core muscles and lead to better-held posture in the long run.

Yoga for releasing tension is another great therapeutic theme to create a yoga sequence around. This kind of class could focus on the hips or the spine and then the yoga teachers can choose relevant poses to focus on this part of the body. Releasing tension can also help to release pain in the hips or lower back, with the ultimate goal of making the body feel pain-free.

A heart-opening yoga sequence is another wonderful theme for those recovering from grief or working to open up to the feeling of one’s emotions. With a gentle yoga class, focused on heart-centered poses, yoga teachers have the opportunity to invite a flow of energy into the heart.

A peak pose class is another great theme to focus on building up to one pose, known as the ‘peak pose’. The poses used throughout the yoga class will sequentially build-up to strengthen and prepare the muscles for one certain balance or a deeper stretch. The peak pose can change every sequence, some may focus on balance, others on hips, or sometimes a deep backbend. Keep it creative!

Adding Mindfulness to Your Yoga Practice

A crucial aspect often forgotten in yoga routines is the incorporation of mindfulness. Bringing mindfulness into a yoga session can elevate it into a truly enriching experience, allowing practitioners to establish a deeper connection with their bodies and minds.

Understanding Mindfulness in Yoga

Mindfulness within yoga entails being fully engaged in the present moment. It involves focusing on your breath, movements and sensations without passing judgment. This mindful approach can amplify the benefits of yoga, transcending it beyond mere physical exercise.

Ways to Embrace Mindfulness

Encourage participants to set an intention at the outset of the class. This could be a word, emotion or objective they wish to center their attention on. Throughout the session, gently guide them back to this intention.

During transitions between poses, prompt individuals to tune into the sensations within their bodies. Encourage them to notice how their muscles feel, track changes in their breathing rhythm and acknowledge any emotions that surface. This practice fosters active engagement and presence.

Advantages of Introducing Mindfulness into Yoga

Integrating mindfulness practices can alleviate stress and anxiety levels among participants. It aids in cultivating a heightened awareness of one’s physical self, promoting better alignment and reducing the risk of injuries.
Practicing mindfulness not only helps cultivate a feeling of tranquility and equilibrium but also has the potential to transcend the confines of yoga practice and permeate everyday experiences.

Incorporating mindfulness into your yoga routine establishes a well rounded approach that supports both physical and mental well being. This distinctive method can distinguish your classes and attract returning students seeking more.

How to create your yoga sequences

To create a unique yoga sequence for your students, consider some of your favorite poses and plan them according to the ideas above.

  1. Warm-up
  2. Sun Salutations
  3. Standing Poses
  4. Relaxation

if you want extra help in the sequencing process, use an app! There are now yoga sequence-building apps that help you to create your unique class sequence.

Enhancing Your Yoga Practice with Music

woman sitting on her knees on a yoga mat doing yoga practice with music

A creative way to enhance your yoga practice is by incorporating music into your routine. Music has a significant impact on the ambiance and vibe of your session, setting the mood and pace for a more engaging and memorable experience.

Selecting Appropriate Music

Choosing the right music is key. Opt for tunes that complement the rhythm and intensity of your practice. Soft instrumental or ambient music is perfect for gentle, relaxing sessions, while energetic, rhythmic tracks are ideal for dynamic power yoga classes.

Crafting a Thoughtful Playlist

Put together a playlist that matches the different stages of your sequence. Begin with calming tracks for warm up, transition to lively songs during the peak poses and end with soothing melodies for cool down and relaxation. This curated progression helps lead participants through both the physical and emotional aspects of the class.

Advantages of Incorporating Music in Yoga

Music can improve concentration and relaxation levels during practice. It aids in syncing breath with movement, promoting a smoother flow throughout the session. Additionally, music can act as a source of motivation, inspiring individuals to tackle challenging poses with determination.

In my experience with teaching, I’ve noticed that incorporating music not only enriches the learning process but also allows students to engage on a deeper level with their studies. It establishes an immersive atmosphere that enables them to fully immerse themselves in the practice, resulting in each session being unique and enjoyable.

By purposefully incorporating music into your yoga routine, you can enhance the overall experience for your students, making it more dynamic and captivating. This method not only distinguishes your classes but also nurtures a stronger connection between the mind, body and soul.

Yoga Teachers – Things you need to know about creating a yoga sequence

Yoga practice is about connecting with the body, mind, and spirit. Teachers should aim to foster a sense of connection in their yoga class by creating a yoga sequence that is accessible to the students who are in front of them.

It is important to stay flexible in your mindset and practice going with the flow during the yoga class. This will bring balance between pushing the students to their yoga limits and also creating a safe space in which their yoga practice can develop.

Begin each class by introducing yourself and the theme of the day. Tell them what your yoga practice will be about and how the yoga sequence will briefly look.

Be sure to know about any injuries, in the hips, knees, spine, or neck, and if doing balancing postures, always provide a supportive option. Balance and strength increase over time, so allow time for this in your yoga class to inspire your students and keep them coming back for more of your creative yoga sequences in the future.

a yoga class with an elderly teacher and her 3 students

Yoga sequence ideas for your home practice or your students:

If you are still looking for yoga sequence support, check out this video for some tips and tricks:

It is also a great idea to attend other classes in person or online to get an idea of some other creative yoga sequences that exist. Chat with other yoga teachers, develop your own practice, and get creative in the way that you do your morning yoga sequence, to keep yourself motivated.

Here is a super creative power yoga sequence created by Patrick Beach:

Or another great and challenging yoga sequence by Boho Beautiful:

Pop quiz! 🧘🤔

Yoga sequences should always follow a strict order of poses.

Sun Salutations are an essential part of most yoga flow classes.

Restorative Yoga is a high-intensity style of yoga.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I find inspiration for new yoga sequences?

Anywhere there is a yoga class is a wonderful way to get inspired by new yoga sequences! Go to local classes, practice online with new teachers, and try to create your own unique flow sequence with poses that you already know. Put on music and let your body move in a way that creates yoga sequences in an organic way.

How can I find a balance between challenging and nurturing my students with my yoga sequences?

As you prepare your yoga sequence for a certain class, make sure you prepare a number of variations to bring a balance between a beginner flow and an advanced flow. This all-rounded practice will make your sequence supportive for all of your students.

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About Gemma Clarke

Gemma Clarke is a certified and experienced yoga & meditation instructor. She has been practicing meditation since 2014 and teaching since 2018. Gemma specializes in yoga and mindfulness for emotional wellbeing, and she has taught in Thailand, Cambodia, and the UK. Gemma is passionate about sharing her expertise and experience with meditation to inspire others to live more mindfully, becoming happier, healthier, and calmer. Follow me: Instagram | LinkedIn