Take This Free Chakra Test To Determine Which Of Your Energy Centers Are Imbalanced

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Chakra test

So you’ve read about the seven chakras and have a basic understanding of the chakra system and its importance. But how do you determine which chakra center is the strongest and the weakest?

Sometimes it may be obvious; for example, if you’ve currently going through a relationship breakup or grieving the loss of a loved one, likely your heart chakra is imbalanced.

Or let’s say you’ve recently experienced a significant change to your physical environment or body, such as moving countries or having major surgery. In this case, it’s safe to say your root chakra may be a little out of whack.

But sometimes, it’s less obvious, making it difficult to know which chakra center to focus on. This is why taking a chakra test can be super helpful and, in many cases, pretty eye-opening.

What Is A Chakra Test?

As you may know, the seven chakras govern specific areas of our being, such as our identity, self-image, or spiritual connection. So by answering questions relating to the chakras’ physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, you can clearly indicate which ones are strong and which are weak.

However, to ensure the results of this chakra quiz are accurate, it’s essential to answer every question honestly. Try not to overthink the questions; sometimes, the first answer that pops into your mind is the true one.

Also, note that your current mood may determine the answers you give. If you are feeling more pessimistic than usual, you might rate some questions lower than you would if you were having a good day. Thus, if you like, you can do the chakra test several times over the course of a few days.

How To Read Your Chakra Quiz Results?

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After completing the chakra test, you’ll see your results on a spider and bar chart. On the spider chart, each chakra will have a percentage linked to it; the higher the percentage, the stronger that energy center is. Typically, chakras above 50% are healthy, and those under 50% need some chakra healing.

The bar chart gives a number rating out of 35. If one chakra is 20 or below, you should prioritize healing that one.

You might find all seven chakras are similar in results, spot a dominant chakra, or uncover a particularly weak one.

What Does It Mean If A Chakra Is Strong?

If a chakra center has a high score, it suggests the energy is flowing freely there. While healing is not necessary for energy centers with high scores, you can maintain good chakra health by including it in your general chakra healing practices, such as meditation and crystal work.

If one energy center is notably higher than all the other chakras, this suggests this is your dominant chakra.

Why is this important? If our energy flows mainly to one chakra, we are likely to project the characteristics of that energy center the most. These become our strengths, which we can use to our advantage; thus, we want to keep our dominant chakra strong.

What Does It Mean If A Chakra Is Weak?

If one chakra is scoring low, this is a clear sign that you should prioritize this one over the others. Like with our dominant chakra, we take on the traits of the most underactive chakra, but in this case, we take on the negative characteristics.

For example, if your sacral chakra is underactive, you are more likely to have an addictive personality, struggle with guilt, and have problems setting boundaries. So the more you understand about the blocked chakra, the more you know what exactly you need to 1, be cautious of and 2, work on improving.

What Does It Mean If All Chakra Scores Are Low?

If all chakra scores come back low, as in under 50%, you’ll need to focus on improving their health simultaneously. In this case, doing a full-chakra energy healing session, such as reiki or chakra meditation, is best.

Also, note that there is no quick fix if all your chakras are out of balance. It will take a while to bring your chakra health up, so you should introduce various chakra healing techniques into your daily life. Along with meditation and asana practice, you can eat chakra foods, chant the associated mantras, and use specific affirmations.

What Does It Mean If All Chakra Scores Are High?

If all scores are high, congrats! This suggests your energetic body is in good health, and there are no major concerns. However, remember that our subtle body is in constant flux, so this may not always be the case. Therefore, you can still do general chakra healing practices like yoga practice, breathwork, and meditation.

Overview Of The Chakra System

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Here is a brief overview of each energy center to help you understand what an imbalanced and a dominant chakra feels like.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is associated with our sense of safety and security. When balanced, we feel grounded, secure, and at ease in our bodies and the world around us. But when the Muladhara chakra is blocked, we can experience a lot of fear, anxiety, and worry and may struggle to feel comfortable in our skin.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, pleasure, intimacy, and emotional stability. When balanced, we feel in control of our emotions and can express ourselves and our needs. However, if the sacral chakra is blocked, we may experience creative blocks, low libido, and frequent mood swings.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra contains our personal power and inner fire. When strong, we feel secure and confident and have high self-esteem. If our solar plexus chakra is blocked, we may struggle to take action toward our goals, lack confidence, and experience digestive issues.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, joy, empathy, and gratitude. When open, we can freely give and receive love (including to ourselves), and we find great pleasure in life. However, if the heart chakra is blocked, we may feel stuck in our heads and unable to open up to and trust others. We will also be at risk of heart-related ailments like heart disease.

Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra is our communication hub, allowing us to express ourselves and listen well to others. When the throat chakra is free from blockages, we can confidently speak our truth and set boundaries. But if the throat chakra is blocked, we may struggle to speak up in groups, express our needs, and tell the truth.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is associated with intuition and imagination. When the sixth chakra is strong, we can connect to our inner voice and see the bigger picture in life. However, if the third eye chakra is blocked, we may be narrow-minded, struggle to envision the future and experience poor vision and memory.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the part of the energetic body which connects us to the spiritual realm. When Ajna is open, we can access higher levels of consciousness and feel a solid connection to our souls. But when the crown chakra is blocked, we may dismiss spirituality entirely and lack any connection to the universe.