Star Pose

In Five-Pointed Star Pose, a transitional pose, stand with your feet wide, legs straight, and arms outstretched at shoulder level

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Joanne Highland

Edited & fact checked by:

Jagpreet Kaur

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Star Pose

Key Takeaway

Discover the transformative power of Five-Pointed Star Pose (Utthita Tadasana) in enhancing physical alignment, mental focus, and the flow of energy, making it a vital yet often overlooked asana in yoga practice.

Alternate name:Utthita Tadasana
Difficulty level:Beginner
Pose category:Standing
Muscle groups:Quadriceps (legs)
Hamstrings (legs)
Adductors (inner thighs)
Abductors (outer thighs)
Gluteal muscles (buttocks)
Erector spinae (back)
Deltoids (shoulders)
Trapezius (upper back)
Latissimus dorsi (mid-back)
Pectoral muscles (chest)
Serratus anterior (ribs)
Rotator cuff group (shoulders)
Forearm extensors (forearms)
Core muscles (abdomen and lower back) including:
- Rectus abdominis (abdomen)
- Obliques (sides of the abdomen)
- Transverse abdominis (abdomen)
- Multifidus (spine)
Physical benefits:Strengthens legs and core, improves balance.
Therapeutic applications:Strengthens legs and core, improves posture.
Preparatory poses:Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
Counterposes that follow well:Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
Chakras activated:Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
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When practicing yoga, we spend significant time perfecting our alignment and refining our posture in each asana. Of course, proper alignment is always a vital point of focus, especially as a yoga teacher.

However, to be genuinely mindful in our yoga practice, it’s also essential that we bring awareness to the space between poses, paying attention to how we get from point A to point B.

Star Pose, or Five-pointed Star Pose, is one of those transitory poses that often gets overlooked or rushed through but is worth exploring. Despite common misconceptions about its simplicity, this asana is essential for physical alignment and mental focus.

From beginners to advanced students, there is much to be gained by slowing down for a few breaths to experience the powerful stance of the Five-Pointed Star Pose.

Get ready to shine your light into the world as we delve into this invigorating asana!

Watch our recommended steps for entering, holding, and exiting the pose.

Pose Breakdown: Five-Pointed Star

The five-pointed Star Pose is a beginner-friendly standing posture that originates from the stable and robust Mountain Pose. Its Sanskrit name is “Upright Mountain Pose” or Utthita Tadasana.

It channels energy in all directions, creating a sense of lightness and expansion across the front and back of the body.

Let’s take an in-depth look at the alignment of this asana. We’ll examine its correct positioning, breath control, and safety when entering and exiting the position.

Entering the Pose

There are several ways to enter this asana, depending on how it is placed within a flow or sequence. Let’s start with the most basic strategy in four easy steps:

    1. Stand in the center of your yoga mat and turn to the side, facing the long edge of your mat..

    1. One at a time, step your feet apart, placing them significantly wider than hip distance.

    1. Turn your feet parallel to the shorter edges of your mat, toes pointing forward.

    1. Raise your arms to shoulder level, stretching them wide with extended fingers and palms facing the floor.

Alignment Checklist

The power of this simple asana is in the details! Let’s build the position from the ground up:

    • Feet: Grounded firmly on the floor. Press down through the outer pinky toe edge of each foot.

    • Legs: Extend straight while being mindful of the knees — you should feel no pain or pulling sensation around either knee. Similarly, try to avoid hyperextending or locking out the knee joint.

    • Arms: Extend straight out at shoulder level all the way through the fingers. Imagine shooting rays of light from your fingertips.

    • Chest: Open, spreading your collarbones wide apart.

    • Shoulders: Relaxed down away from your ears. Spread your shoulder blades apart across your upper back.

    • Head: Reach up through the crown to lengthen the spine while gazing straight ahead.

These cues are helpful reminders for individuals and yoga teachers offering guidance to their students.

Breathing Techniques to Try

Breath is essential to yoga and can significantly enhance your experience of virtually any asana! Once you enter your Five-Pointed Star Pose, stay there for a few breaths before continuing your flow.

Maintain deep, diaphragmatic breaths: inhale all the way down into your belly, followed by a smooth exhale.

Next, try adding some simple movements to your respiration:

    1. Inhale: Raise your arms overhead and bring your palms together.

    1. Exhale: Lower your arms to shoulder level, palms facing down.

    1. Turn your palms up and bring them together overhead again with your next inhale, and lower to your starting position on your exhale.

    1. Continue to flow with your breath for a few cycles, then release your arms down by your sides.

Safety Precautions

While this might be a relatively straightforward position, remember that everybody is different, and paying attention to any signs of discomfort is essential.

While your limbs should be extended and held firmly, don’t push yourself too hard! Keep a micro-bend in each knee and listen to your body’s signals to avoid hyperextension in the elbows and fingers.

Signs of hyperextension in joints:

    • Tingling sensation or loss of circulation

    • Instability in the joint, like it is giving way

    • A feeling of being bent or pushed in the wrong direction

    • Shooting pain, pressure, or pulling sensations

Remember that these signs vary from person to person and are invisible to yoga teachers, so it’s up to you to cultivate inner awareness and take a step back if needed.

Exiting the Pose Safely

Lastly, exiting the position without injury is just as important as entering it safely! Once again, how you exit Five-Pointed Star Pose varies depending on which asana you’re moving to next, so be sure to follow the specific directions given by your instructor.

To return to Tadasana, follow these steps:

    1. Bring your hands to your hips.

    1. Inhale and bend your knees slightly.

    1. As you exhale, step your feet together one at a time, returning to the center of your mat.

In Five-Pointed Star Pose, typically, the toes face forward, but may be turned outward when transitioning into another pose.

The Balance Factor

Core Strength is Key

This asana isn’t just about stretching your limbs to their limits. It’s also about balance, and your core plays a big part. Strong core muscles help keep your torso upright and spine straight.

    • Did you know? Your core muscles are more than just your abs! When yoga teachers tell students to “engage their core,” they refer to a group of stabilizing muscles from the pelvic floor, front and sides of the abdomen, around to the back muscles!

Spending a few breaths in Utthita Tadasana lets you feel your core muscles working together. Once you learn how to engage this muscle group consistently, you’ll likely notice your posture improve with time!

Spinal Alignment Matters

Ensuring proper spinal alignment in this asana is crucial. Your spine should be elongated from head to tailbone, with your shoulders stacked over your hips.

Stand before a mirror and turn to the side while doing the pose. If you see any curves or bends in your spine, adjust until it’s straight.

    • Here’s a hint: You might need to adjust the tilt of your pelvis by tucking your tailbone slightly or adjust the angle of your torso to be directly upright.

Foot Placement

Your feet are the foundation of this commanding stance. They must be firmly planted on the ground, with toes pointing forward.

A general rule of thumb is that a wider base provides more stability. However, don’t step your feet so wide that your inner arches collapse. Remember to press down through the outer edge of each foot.

Set Yourself Up For Success

If you’re having trouble maintaining stability, don’t sweat it! Here are a few go-to recommendations for achieving a strong Utthita Tadasana:

    1. Use a high-quality yoga mat with excellent cushion and grip, like this one from Lululemon.

    1. Place a non-slip towel on your mat if your feet slide apart.

    1. Use a wall for support: stand with your back to the wall for full support, or position yourself to the side and press your fingertips into the wall to steady yourself.

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Exploring Variations of Star Pose

Popular Variations

Once you feel comfortable in your Five-Pointed Star Pose, challenge yourself to change it up with these variations! Changing your routine keeps things fresh and exciting, which can be mentally stimulating.

    • Hand Positions: In the traditional version, the arms are outstretched at shoulder level. But you can spice things up by trying different hand positions. For instance, hands clasped behind the back, palms together at your chest in Anjali Mudra or reverse prayer position, or reaching for the sky.

    • Revolved Star: From regular Star Pose, turn the toes of one foot towards the short edge of your mat and turn your upper body to face your front foot. Return to your starting position and then try it facing the other way. This is a great warm-up for Pyramid Pose!

    • Side Plank Star: this advanced variation will test your strength! Come into a side plank position, supporting your body weight on the bottom hand and foot while lifting your other arm and leg outwards. Your body will be in the same shape as the traditional pose but turned on its side!

Suitability Factors for Variations

Remember, not every variation suits everyone. Your fitness level and experience with yoga play big parts. Some variations require more strength than others. If you’re new to yoga or recovering from an injury, stick to simpler versions.

Embracing Star Pose

Using Star Pose as a Transition

Utthita Tadasana is your new best friend in yoga. Think of it as the middleman, bridging other poses together in one complete flow.

Goddess Pose is often paired with Five-Pointed Star in vinyasa flows. From Goddess, straighten the arms and legs and turn the toes in.

Sequence Suggestions

Here are some classic sequence suggestions for yoga teachers of individual students putting together a flow.

    1. From Goddess Pose, straighten all four limbs into Star, then bow forward into Wide-Legged Forward Fold.

    1. From Warrior II with the right foot forward, turn to the side as you straighten all four limbs, moving through Star, and switch to Warrior II with your left foot forward. Coordinate your breath as you move: inhale to Utthita Tadasana, exhale to Warrior.

    1. Begin in Utthita Tadasana, then transition to Triangle Pose. Turn your upper body towards your front foot for Pyramid, then lift your torso to Revloved Star. Return to your starting position and repeat on the other side.

These are just a few examples of a mini vinyasa sequence you can add on to. Now it’s your turn to get creative! What other ways can you think of to use the Five-Pointed Star Pose as part of a vinyasa flow?

Fun For Kids’ Yoga

This pose is a fun and easy yoga asana that can be introduced to kids in their yoga classes or even as a break during school time. This asana can help boost or ground their energy, build coordination, and increase confidence while stretching the arms, legs, and spine.

Explain Five-Pointed Star Pose to them as forming the shape of a star, the same way they might draw it on paper.

As a bonus, here are some ideas to make it fun for the kiddos:

    • Have them sing “Twinkle, Twinkle” while “twinkling” their fingers as they reach their arms out to the side

    • Lead them in counting each “point” of the shape.

    • Pair the posture with positive affirmations they all repeat together.

Benefits of Star Pose

It’s not just useful in a vinyasa flow — Five-Pointed Star Pose can enhance your life in numerous ways!

Physical Perks

    • Strengthens the legs and core

    • Stretches the groin and hamstrings

    • Supports good posture

    • Increases circulation

    • Improves respiration

Mental Gains

    • Calms the mind

    • Builds focus and concentration

    • Bolsters confidence and inner strength

Energy Boosters

    • Reduces fatigue

    • Grounds and centers energy

    • Expresses joy and positive feelings

Inclusive Nature

Here’s the best part: anyone can do it! Utthita Tadasana suits all ages and fitness levels. Whether you’re 8 or 80, fit as a fiddle, or just starting – this asana welcomes everyone with open arms.

Five-Pointed Star Pose simultaneously grounds your energy while encouraging your prana to flow freely through your seven chakras.

Experience the Star Pose Power

In vinyasa yoga, we focus on movement with a few classic poses as our primary targets. Consider this examination of Five-Pointed Star Pose your reminder to slow down and appreciate the often overlooked asanas we move through without much thought.

Sometimes, as yogis (beginners to advanced students and even yoga teachers!), we simply go through the motions once we’ve learned a vinyasa sequence. But when you take the steps to execute proper alignment and practice with heightened awareness, your whole experience changes!

Remember, yoga is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth — every asana contributes to this transformative process, whether in transition or spending more time in each position.

So, shoot for the stars with this powerful posture next time you roll out your yoga mat! Add it to a sequence, or use it as a midday break. Feel its energy surge through your arms and chest as you inhale deeply and feel your inner light shine!

FAQ 1: What are the primary benefits of the Star Pose?

This pose energizes the body, improves balance, and strengthens various muscle groups. It also helps open the chest and torso, promoting better breathing.

FAQ 2: Is it suitable for beginners?

Yes, this asana is excellent for beginners as it’s relatively simple compared with more complex poses. However, correct form is crucial to progress to more advanced poses.

FAQ 3: How can I ensure proper alignment in Star Pose?

To ensure proper alignment in this asana, focus on distributing weight evenly across both feet while keeping your legs straight, and arms extended at shoulder level.

FAQ 4: Should I include variations of this pose in my routine?

Absolutely! Variations can add diversity to your flows and challenge different muscle groups. Just make sure you’re comfortable with the basic version first.

FAQ 5: How often should I practice Utthita Tadasana?

The frequency depends on your personal goals, comfort level with the pose, and whether you use it in a vinyasa flow or on its own. However, this asana is simple enough to easily incorporate into your daily life, increasing its positive effects!