Email Marketing Tips for Yoga Teachers

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It feels like everyone is talking about growing your email list (and we support it!). But what do you do once you actually have people on your list? How do you keep your email list from becoming an unhelpful time-suck and actually use it to turn subscribers into clients, students, and customers?This article is full of email marketing tips for yoga teachers, to help you use your email list in a way that actually works for you and your business!

But before we get into the strategies, it’s important to know how to get started. The first step is to signup for an email marketing service, we use and recommend ActiveCampaign. ActiveCampaign is the tool that helps you build your email list, automatically send out emails to the right people at the right time, and more. They offer a free 14-day trial so you can test it out before you commit 🙂

Let’s let’s dive into the tips…

Self Care for Yoga Teachers 21

Stay consistent with your email marketing

It may seem easy, but so many yoga teachers don’t do it! Consistency keeps communication open between you and your subscribers, keeps you fresh in their minds, and over time builds a relationship. There is no golden rule for how often you should be mailing. Just decide what type of email schedule you can commit to — a weekly newsletter? Twice a week? Twice a month? — and stick to it.

Add value with your email marketing

The number one thing you want to be doing with your email list is adding value. Rather than having every email be selling, you want to give a lot of free content.Why? Offering free content helps build that relationship again, and create trust. It gives subscribers a way to develop an understanding of your style, your brand, and your offerings before they decide whether they want to buy or not.Here are some ideas & ways for yoga teachers to add value through email marketing:

  • Prayers and meditations
  • Yoga videos
  • Wellness recipes and lifestyle tips
  • Personal stories and things you’re going through that subscribers may be able to relate to
  • Rituals
  • Yoga poses for certain needs such as back pain, creativity, getting grounded, etc.

How you add value will be unique to you and your understanding of your audience’s needs, but you can use the ideas above to spark your own creativity!*Helpful Resource: 

Pat Flynn’s Email List Strategies

woman teaching yoga
Image via Yoga Journal

Be authentic, always

Your email list should be no different from your teaching, in many ways.Be as true to yourself and as authentic as you can through this platform (and all platforms for that matter)! This is how people connect with you. If everything isn’t feeling all love and light, you can bring that to the table. If you don’t study Ayurveda, you don’t suddenly have to have a deep understanding of it and send Ayurvedic recipes to your list.

People want YOU. When they see your vulnerability, they are more easily going to connect with you which further breeds trust. People buy from those they trust. Plain and simple.

For more advice around staying authentic in your marketing, check out this article from Influence & Co.

Invite interaction through your email marketing

I’ve mentioned building relationships several times. But genuine relationships aren’t built with one-sided interaction. You can use your email list to invite interaction by asking your subscribers to reply, comment on your blog, engage in a yoga challenge, DM you on Instagram, etc.Invite them to tell you who they are and share their thoughts and feelings about what you’re saying. Not only will you build a relationship with them, but understanding your audience intimately is invaluable when it comes to growing your business!

The more you can get your audience to respond, the better. Consider this the best market research you can do!

Make it easy

In the digital age, it’s so important to keep the format of your emails themselves clean and easy to read. This is nuts-and-bolts practical stuff, but here are some ways to do this:

  • Use short paragraphs
  • Make it skimmable with bold phrases and bullet points
  • Use an image or two that goes along with your message
  • Keep it short! If the content is really long, direct them to your blog where they can read the rest

Include a CTA in each email

In order for your email list to really work for you, each email should have a call to action! That call to action (CTA) should not always be “buy this thing.” Some other great CTAs are:

  • Reply and tell us “x”
  • Connect on Instagram
  • Listen to the podcast episode
  • Click to read the blog
  • Answer a poll
  • Watch this video

Look at your email marketing analytics

Most email marketing platforms have reasonably good analytics functions. It can be really fascinating and helpful to look back at what worked for you and what didn’t! Pay attention to what subject lines got emails opened, what topics got the most clicks and engagements, and of course what emails had the highest sales conversions.This information isn’t just for fun! You can use it to help you craft your emails and your email marketing strategy moving forward.

Free download: 100 Niche Ideas for Yoga Teachers

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Let’s wrap it up

When it comes to email marketing, understand that it’s the long game. You can use your email list to cultivate relationships, provide value, build trust, and know what customers, clients, and product/service sales are a result of all of that work.Looking for more digital marketing help for your yoga business? Check out these articles from The Yoga Nomads to get started:

Of course, you’re going to need a website if you’re planning on growing your email list and your business. Click to check out our free beginner’s guide to creating a yoga website you love.

PS: Did you like this article? Pin me! 🙂

Email Marketing Tips for Yoga Teachers

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About Brandon

Former corporate sales rep turned nomadic entrepreneurial yogi. Street food ninja, avid outdoorsman, craft beer geek, and live music junkie. Co-founder of The Yoga Nomads.

1 thought on “Email Marketing Tips for Yoga Teachers”

  1. Hi Eryn,

    Some great marketing tips which can be used for all industries of marketing too! A/B testing also helps, with finding the strategy that can work for you and allows you to create successful emails.


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